Showing posts with label From GetGlue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label From GetGlue. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2012

NaNoWriMo/NaBloPoMo – Day 4 and other things

So I am informed by Ye Trusty ole NaNoWriMo Word Count stats cruncher that:

Your Average Per Day
Words Written Today
Target Word Count
Target Average Words Per Day
Total Words Written
Words Remaining
Current Day
Days Remaining
At This Rate You Will Finish On
January 3, 2013
So I have upped my word count slightly but I need to pick up the pace to at least hit 50,000 words within this year.

An interesting development is that while watching this:
  , (which is about these guys  ),
I found a key to unlocking the soul of the story I want to tell.  The music from Unknown Pleasures and Closer albums really inspired me.

I came across more writing tips online:
infographic -- click the text links in the post for text versions of the visual material
About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger and CEO of Copyblogger Media.


Go Into the Story’s contribution of …
“Get the damn thing done!”:

Lastly, I was tooling around on (I should say old GetGlue (, because no one likes the new website and found this:
I am thinking about Jack Klugman

And so I shared the excerpts from his book, “Tony and Me” on GetGlue that spoke to me:
“I tell young actors all the time: learn your craft and the rest will take care of itself.”


“I don’t like to preach, but I’m going to now because I feel this is too important not to say.  If you’re like I was, or you’re someone who likes to hold a grudge, or you’ve never really let someone know what they mean to your because you’re afraid, ask yourself this question: what are you really protecting?

If you look, you’ll see it: nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Just phantoms from old wounds that never healed. Give them up and join the people in your life who love you.  Risk it all. For me, it was the best gamble I ever made.”

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I am thinking about Neil Armstrong and I am thinking about Apollo 11

“RT @ABCWorldNews: Neil Armstrong, the first astronaut to walk on the moon as commander of Apollo 11, has died. He was 82 years old.”

“For those who may ask what they can do to honor Neil, we have a simple request. Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink.”

Friday, May 11, 2012

I am watching Gunsmoke

<br /><br />
        I am watching Gunsmoke</p><br />
<p>            “Just watched the episode with  where Ken Curtis played a different character than Festus.  Always cool to see him pre-Festus.  He actually could sing and did grow up over a county jail.  James Drury w…”</p><br />
<p>            Check-in to</p><br />
<p>     Gunsmoke on<br /><br />
    ” /></a></p>
<p><a href=

“Just watched the episode with where Ken Curtis played a different character than Festus. Always cool to see him pre-Festus. He actually could sing and did grow up over a county jail. James Drury was also in this episode.  It was definitely pre-’The Virginian.’”

Check-in to Gunsmoke on

On Saturday, December 14th

 I spent a good portion of the day watching the Flintstones holiday marathon (with some breaks for “A Christmas Story,” “Knots Landing”-the...