Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2013

Mass. Cops Caught Egging Superior Officer’s Home

Gee Newton Cops, I only thought I would read something like that in a script for the old Car 54, Where Are You? series.  Meanwhile, I'm fairly sure the assault victims and unsolved murder victims  wished you applied the  same work ethic to solving their cases as you did to planning and executing this juvenile act.  Actually, they'd want better, because you guys got caught.

Reblogged from NewsFeed:
(NEWTON, Mass.) — Massachusetts police responding to reports of teenagers tossing eggs at a house last month got quite a surprise when they tracked down the suspects.
A department spokesman tells the MetroWest Daily News the three people who egged the house in Framingham early Dec. 11 were fellow law enforcement officers serving with the Newton police. They were off duty at the time.

 Read more:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaBloPoMo - Day One

So it's Day One of the NaBloPoMo thing and the NaNoWriMo thing.

A goal for this year is to definitely be more constant in my blogging for NaBloPoMo. The last two years I thought I would have one feed into the other by blogging about the novel that I working on, especially since I don't attend a lot of write-ins and since I noted in the last day of the first NaBloPoMo that I participated in that finding content is tough. The good thing about NaBloPoMo is that prompts are provided to help with struggling to find content. Though I must say that even with that, I still didn't really use them.

I'm pretty much going back to the "old format" where I combine random posting with posting about my writing. I am also encouraged by the fact that John Quincy Adams maintained a line a day journal. I can definitely do that, the Twitter master that I am.

In addition to posting content here as a part of the official NaBloPoMo, I will still be posting/crossposting at the usual places:

More Explore

A Writing Exploration

My Blog (where the posts from the old NaBloPoMo site and the blog360 site at Ning are housed-I'll cross post the new blog here)

My Social Issue Awareness and Action Blog (I blog about issues that come up on Bloggers Unite, and other current cause)

"There is never enough time to do or say all the things that we would wish. The thing is to try to do as much as you can in the time that you have. Remember Scrooge, time is short, and suddenly, you're not here any more." -The Ghost of Christmas

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Blogathon anyone?

Apparently, there is a blogathon going on where individual bloggers post every half an hour for a 24 hour period. Most of the bloggers are being sponsored and the proceeds are going towards the charity of their choice. A person that I met a long time ago made me aware of this when she emailed me on facebook to ask for her friends to donate on her behalf to the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center as she participated in this. I've been so busy with 2010 and other things (such as fighting with Mary Percy over her stupidity in going back to Arthur Wellington) that this did not sink in until today-the day of the event.

Well, I have enjoyed reading her posts as she writes about writing and other cool things. Her website is: and if you can-no amount is too small-please support the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. You can make donations through Network For the Good.
More information about Blogathon can be found at I'll definitely take part in 2011.

Back again!

Wow. It has been some time since that last post. Lots of things have taken place.

Tweeting on Twitter has definitely been a past time. It's not that I haven't enjoyed blogging. Twitter is a little more immediate for me since I can actually have conversations rather than wait for someone to maybe read the post and maybe comment. I also don't get spam comments that I have to clear out.

What blogging does allow me to do is to explore an idea more fully than I can in 140 characters.

Social media is a curious animal. There are many who see people using it for anything other than business or making money as not worthy of notice or as flotsam. Especially if they are women and they are not in the coveted mommy blogger cabal. I am not a mommy-at least not yet. I don't know that I would blog about my child(ren) or engage in the communal sharing that I see happening in the blogosphere around that. It's not terrible, but much like as in real life, some women (and some men) think there;s something wrong with you if you don't share yourself or care about certain things.

Well, that's my feeling about that. Still looking for the blogger conference or unconference where people who aren't parent bloggers, overly in love with the code of the platforms and tools, are of a certain ethnicity, but that's not all they blog about and are not obsessed by all things vampire can attend and not feel as if they're the kids that were outside the clique in high school.

Do I have an opinion on Shirley Sherrod, the BP Oil catastrophe, education, Harry Potter, Apple's iphone flip off, the Celtics loss to the Lakers, Lindsay Lohan, Precious, the Twilight saga, The View or the upcoming end of As The World Turns?

Probably. And I'll get to those.

Right now, I'm watching the Pretenders in concert on my local PBS. Unfortunately it's tis the month o beggin' so what is usually a shorter show will be dragged out. Maybe I can blog during these breaks.

By the way, I'm not taking part in it, but there is a blogathon to support various charities. Please visit for more details.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It begins

Well, It's November, which is National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoM0) and National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).

The keys to succeeding at both are finding time and being disciplined. Not easy to do in our ADD-instant result expectant-crisis management kind of world.

This year's NaBloPoMo will also serve to help jumpstart my blogging, which I have left so by the wayside. I will also be blogging not only at this site, but also at my livejournal, which will also serve to chronicle my NaNoWriMo progress. I will also blog at my social action blog, which documents causes and nonprofits issues that interest me. For kicks, I'll have my opinions at my soap fan blog also.

This year's NaBloPoMo roster is:

More Explore

My Writing Exploration

My Social Awareness and Action Blog

Monday, February 2, 2009

Rossi should be blogging?

Joe Flint at the Paley Center blogged on January 16th about Lou Grant moving into the new millenium.

As a huge fan of the series, "Lou Grant," I nearly died at the changes he suggested. Let go of Charlie Hume, Art Donovan and Animal? No company car? Focus on celebrity news!!!! Never mind no mention of Billie of Mrs. Pynchon in this reorg. Will Billie get farmed out to fashion dos and don'ts?

I noted some tongue in cheek regarding this post, which does ask the question if the Tribune could have survived in the new millenium. The series was cancelled in 1982 or so before blogging and citizen journalism and Facebook and fax machines that did not need special paper. While celebrities grabbed their share of headlines in 1982, they did not dominate the way they do in 2009.

Hot shot young reporter Rossi would now be one of the old guys he was not always so kind to in the series. I wonder how he would deal with it.

What would they think about the endless stream of cases of plagiarism and fabrication? A failure of journalism school or of people in the trade?

The blog post is here:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blogs I follow

A blog that I have followed for a long time is 'How I am Becoming an Astronaut.' It is the blog of Damaris Sarria's work at NASA and her preparation to meet her ultimate goal of being an astronaut. The juxtaposition of both storylines are interesting. Damaris is an engaging writer, who supplements this with cool photos of rockets and shuttles.

Her blog is important to be sure because the reality is that we don't hear often enough about women engineers who blog even though they are out there.

Her latest post documents her attendace at the NASA 50th Anniversary celebration where she gets a photo with the always awesome Gene Cernan, last man to walk on the moon.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Cleanup Woman

I've been hitting my blog pages and updating content and look when necessary. I am amazed at how many I created because the tool at the time was "pretty" or "cool." I am also surprised at how many interesting posts I wrote.

In addition to creating the writing blog at livejournal, I also created a separate blog for me to wax poetic about watching soaps.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Writing Blog

I decided that the best blog to convert into a blog that documents my progress on my writing and other writing obervations is my livejournal one which can be found here: decided to update the title to "My Writing Exploration." Goodnight "No Particular Exploration to go to" - Good morning "My Writing Exploration."

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ex-Penn basketball great Phil Hankinson dies in apparent suicide - Resources

Ex-Penn basketball great Phil Hankinson dies in apparent suicide - Resources

I find myself continually fascinated by this story. I was not alive during Phil Hankinson's hey day. I think I can understand what it feels like to have your dreams deffered. I do think that it shrivels like a raisin in the sun and gets bitter with each passing year unless you reign it in.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Since my last post...

  • I attended a forum at Harvard's Stem Cell Institute. It was an interesting overview of what types of research is going on right now for the use of stem cells in some of the major diseases that are killing us, such as diabetes, and heart disease. I liked it fine, since that is where my interests lie-gene therapy. I also got a chance to look at Harvard Dept of Molecular and Cellular Biology-one of the many possibilities for school.

  • I realized that tv blows at certain hours of the day. I am so not the 'Rachel Ray'-'The View' person and 'Jerry Springer' lost it's entertainment value for me around 2000. 'Maury Povich' basically three programs: "Who's my baby's daddy?", "Amazing Animals" and "Amazing Videos."

  • I came to the realization that I need to have my Wednesdays or Thursdays back.

  • I found lots of websites that will show full episodes of classic TV. A bit like having the radio experience at work. The sites I frequent are: CBS.COM, NBC.COM and now HULU.COM. Oddly enough, two of my favorites moments have come from the dreadful Season Three of 'Star Trek' TOS. In 'All Our Yesterdays,' I love the scene where Spock essentially snaps McCoy's whole body and I liked the exchange when he and McCoy really go head to head. I love reinterpreting some of this dialogue in Ghetto-ese: "Oh hell No! You are not trying to score while our captain is out there you know where in danger! " or "you know, you done called me out of my name just one too many times. Do it again and see what happens..."The 'Turnabout Intruder' episode is sexist in the extreme. For some reason I liked the Spock, Sulu, and Scott speeches (though Scotty's was a little long-we got already that Scott had seen many sides of the captain through the first three adjectives he dropped on us.) I suppose it was something about the letter "S" in the writers' room that day.I have often said regarding the 'Galileo Seven' episode that Spock should have said to McCoy, "You open your mouth one more time and you will be walking home. See if you don't."

  • I could just throw some dates on the calendar and see what sticks. One that I will do is combine this with dinner afterwards:


  • I have started being more conscientious about my blogging I did take up the pledge to blog 365 and I want to keep it.

  • I learned that apparently the W3 Foundation offers free web building tutorials that go beyond HTML Look what I found in an email digest from the asklizryan group:

  • I found out that People R Stoopid I think that now former Governor Spitzer should have watched "American Gangster" and have heeded Frank Lucas' admonition about the loudest one being the weakest link if he wanted to get away with it.I also think that I love that this guy got caught because I bet that this is the more typical profile of the john that gets involved.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Soap Opera Musings

I suppose I could take time to talk about what I have listened to of late-waking up with the Everett fire and going to bed to the Omaha massacre, listening to ON POINT archives and noting that Tom Ashbrook foreshadowed his current health situation. Immediate on my mind though are soaps.

Anyone who really knows me is familar with the fact that for all that I am quite the intellect and at home at dry knowledge and that I cut my teeth on soaps. My mother watched them when I was young and well, I watched them on and off during school and then never looked back once I hit college.

The first soaps I cut my teeth on were All My Children and Another World (I thought my mother had something of a love for the "A's" until I saw that we also watched Days of Ours Lives, The Edge of Night, Ryan's Hope and Love of Life.)

My "first run memories" (meaning that I watched it when it was on and not as a rerun or as a part of the increasingly lame retrospective/compilation shows that networks have resorted to since 2000 to fill programming needs) are definitely of All My Children. Erica Kane and I go back. I remember when she was married to Tom Cudahy and I did at the age of 2.75 see the infamous episode when he finds out that Erica was taking birth control pills and that's why they weren't having babies and he kicked her out of the house. I remember most from that two things:

A) The dialogue:
(with admitted paraphrasing-c'mon I was almost 3)
Erica: where do I go?
Tom: I don't give damn where you go!

When I first saw "Gone With the Wind" on tv, I couldn't remember why the ending dialogue of Scarlett and Rhett seemed so familiar. When I was a teen, I put it all together.

B) Up to that moment, I had never seen a person be that furious on tv or real life. I think I may have asked if he was going to hit her.

Yeah, back in the days when it was okay to play with wooden toys that had wire parts and to eat peanut butter in everything.

I was with Erica for the most part through marriages 3-present (although she and Jack are divorced for now), through the drug addiction, the loss of mother Mona (not too long before the loss of my own), the jail term, Bianca's coming out, the roller coaster marriages to Adam and Dmitri, the arrival of Kendall (the Sarah Michelle Gellar version), the bear incident, Charlie 1.0 where Ruth Martin in Stephanie Forrester style asks Erica how many generations of the men in her family was she going to go through and her last wedding (so far) with Jack where all of her children were present.

Now I have a hard time watching the show simply because everyone looks a like on the show. I can make out Erica's daughters, Kendall and Bianca and sometimes I pick up Josh Madden (Erica's son by her first ever husband Jeff Martin who was conceived apparently in a manner that led me to call such things the soapdish rewrite.
Info dump: "Soapdish" was a movie in the 90s that starred Sally Field, Whoopi Goldberg, Kevin Kline, Elisabeth Shue and Robert Downey, Jr. that spoofed the soaps. The scene that was played forever in the movie trailer was of Whoopi as Rose the head writer and Robert as the producer having a difference of opinion about how to reintroduce Kevin Kline's character, since he was killed off in an accident that decapitated him. Robert apparently felt that saying that a groundbreaking surgery where they reattached the head would take care of it while Whoopi, speaking for all of those who have common sense kept saying, "but he doesn't have a head" in frustration to get him to see that this doesn't make sense. She did the rewrite per Robert's suggestion because he was the producer but I imagine that there are discussions that take place like that in the real world considering some of the ways retcons and aging and exits and returns are explained.)

I can't say that I can tell any of the blondes a part. This was once true for me of As The World Turns but I can tell Katie from Carly and now that they killed of Rose (though personally I felt they killed the wrong sister and yes, I know I incurred the wrath of all the 'Lilden' fans out there) and some recasts have alleviated the problem with the men although Carly and Jack's sons Parker and AJ (?) are still a problem with me.

Guiding Light is proof of what happens when you runs a show into a ditch. I don't listen to it so much anymore. I thought that it did a great thing by writing the storyline with Daisy choosing abortion and exploring the aftermath although that started getting a bit heavy handed. I got sick of the Marina-Cyrus-etc. storylines. The Marina/Cyrus relationship is the type that I wish soaps would stop doing. I never think that it's romantic to be kidnapped, shot and to place your family in danger-even if the perpetrator is handsome, has a "heart of gold" and "mends his ways" because of the love of a good woman. This is a fantasy and a stupid one.

More egregious is the "if I wait long enough, he'll mature and we'll be together..." General Hospital did this with the one character I thought was above that-Robin Scorpio. Robin and I go back to the 80s. She has the dubious distinction of being one of the few characters who has not been aged as well as being played by the same actress that originated the role-Kimberley McCullough. I rather liked Robin and her precociousness and her fearlessness and I was all for her and mobster Jason. Their breakup I thought was one of thse stupid soapdish moves and I am continually irritated that they will not put them back together. Robin came back to Port Charles in '05 to work in GH and then the writers decided that it would be fun to pair her with Patrick Drake, Noah Drake's arrogant son. He treated her like crap for months and then they became close-one of the main drivers of this was Patrick's exposure to HIV and the uncertainty. Then of course he would display behaviour that would remind you why this strategy never works-the "love of a good mature woman to make a man be better". They finally broke up over the fact that Robin wanted a baby and could with the means today have one as an HIV positive person. He did not want a child.
Then they have Robin go off the deep end in trying to find a donor for her father in a way that really make her character look pitiful. (Again running characters and stories into a ditch.).

The Young and The Restless is my "drug of choice" these days. I have always says that it is the best plotted-best written of the soaps with some of the best written characters.
Notice I said "some of" for characters because there are some good ones that are languishing on poorly written shows. Robin for the most part, Jason, Sonny and Spinelli on General Hospital for one.

Well, I think I will muse more about soaps later-it's time for The Young and The Restless.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Second to last day

Today is the second to last day of the 'noble experiment'-to blog every day for a month. I fell short as I am sure many had. November is a funny month-sometimes it seems like nothing happens and then everything happens-especially since people feel the pressure to wrap up everything for the year.

Thanksgiving was solemn, casual, restful and work. While I did not participate in the 'Black Friday' madness, I did make a few small purchases on that Sunday.

Still coasting through the 'On Point' Archives. I surprise myself at how much economic analysis I like to hear...

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Boston Weblogger November Meetup Group

A great opportunity to meet other local bloggers !

Host: The Boston Weblogger Meetup Group

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Algiers (cafe)
Street: 40 Brattle Street
City/Town: Cambridge, MA
Phone: 617.492.1557 (Algiers)

This month's meetup will feature a discussion about political blogging and will be led by local blogger, Ofer Inbar, who was a blogger and Internet advisor to several state legislative campaigns.

All are welcome to attend. We will be meeting upstairs at Algiers in Cambridge.

The Boston Weblogger Meetup Group is a monthly meetup group for people that are interested in blogging and meeting others who are interested in blogging. Topics discussed range from blog content to blog software. All interest levels are welcome.

The Boston Weblogger Meetup Group:

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tis the season...

Tis the season...

The holidays are upon us. The first harbinger is the annual list of the most dangerous toys in America. Not surprisingly, many of them were made in China.

People are starting to get antsy with Thanksgiving only one week away. This weekend will be "fun." I still have to buy much of the fixins' for dinner and I imagine that much of this will be raped and pillaged by the time I get to shopping on Friday and Sunday. Still, to battle! Fortunately the turkey is spoken for. I ordered it from Bates Turkey Farm, which provides the best turkey in this country. They are located in Alabama and they have been the gold standard for turkey in this family.

Finalizing the Blogger Meetup ( has been good. I've been posting far and wide about it. A local political blogger will be talking about what he does and how he does it.

I checked out my blog at MySpace and was pleasantly surprised to see that there have been views and other things. I got my highest numbers this time last year when I blogged about my time in New Orleans from November 8-14. I think it was some of my better blogging.

MySpace blog:

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A little bit of this and that

Currently I am listening to "Young and the Restless" and am shaking my head over Abby Carlton's "gee willikers" description of what she learned about Native Americans in school..."We learned that they used to live in wigwams...and they used to tell great stories...."

One of the members of the Massachusetts Bloggers at NaBloPoMo asked where people were from. Below is what I answered:

"I was born in Boston and grew up in Cambridge. I was about 5 when the Blizzard of '78 hit. I have two outstanding memories from that:

A) I remember my uncles opening the window of our second floor apartment and finding snow for as far as the eyes could see and the hand could touch.

B) Walking to my aunt's house much later after the Blizzard when you could finally move. The snow piles were not only at least 3 ft over my head as a child but well over my mother's head (She was the height I am now-5'3", so we are talking about at least 8ft.) It all looked like that maze scene in the original version of "The Shining." "

Another laundry list day-event planner's day is very long. Made some progress on securing the venue for a nonprofit I volunteer for. Now I have to make the appointment and let the fun begin. The work on the Ball is going along slowly but surely. I need to motivate the committee to really work on obtaining things for the raffle. We are at the half and we need to adjust what we are doing. Blog Meetup is getting there.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


More working and organizing-especially the Resolution Ball and the Blogger meetup ( For the meetup, I am working on a political blogging discussion.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Busy, busy

Today was a laundry list day where bills were paid, work was done and plans were made. One of the biggest things I have going on is recruiting volunteers for the Resolution Ball (, which supports the Ellie Fund (, a nonprofit that provides assistance to breast cancer survivors by assisting them with everyday needs. I am the chair and it (the committee) has been merged with fundraising and well...we shall overcome.

I was listening to Judge Judy, which apparently is "child support" and "stupid fight" day.

On Saturday, December 14th

 I spent a good portion of the day watching the Flintstones holiday marathon (with some breaks for “A Christmas Story,” “Knots Landing”-the...