Showing posts with label BLACK NEWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLACK NEWS. Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ex-Penn basketball great Phil Hankinson dies in apparent suicide - Resources

Ex-Penn basketball great Phil Hankinson dies in apparent suicide - Resources

I find myself continually fascinated by this story. I was not alive during Phil Hankinson's hey day. I think I can understand what it feels like to have your dreams deffered. I do think that it shrivels like a raisin in the sun and gets bitter with each passing year unless you reign it in.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Opinions of...politics - Part 2

Obama and Rev. Wright's comments:Please...unfortunately many people will not see this for what it is-someone's way of planting the seed that Barack Obama if elected, will not meet the needs of ALL Americans and that he is one of those "evil" Black Nationalists left over from the 60s and early 70s.

On Saturday, December 14th

 I spent a good portion of the day watching the Flintstones holiday marathon (with some breaks for “A Christmas Story,” “Knots Landing”-the...