Friday, September 29, 2006


What deity did Charlestown, Massachusetts upset?

First, on the heels of a hostage/murder-suicide at a high school in Colorado, shots are fired outside of Charlestown High, necessitating a lockdown and hard target search for the gun.

Next, cement dust blankets the schoolbus yard that is located in Charlestown and that serves many of the schools in Boston.

Granted, it was interesting to hear news about Charlestown that did not concern the usual hard target search for bank robbers and to witness Channel 7 boldly preempt its daytime programming to provide the most coverage out of the three major stations of both events (not seeing 'Passions' and most of 'Days of Our Lives' was no huge loss).

Well, if the school deities are upset, I'd say that Charlestown ought to light a candle, listen to them, say they're sorry and fix whatever it is.

(I know-the last sentence makes no sense but what the hey?)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Genug Already--A Plea to Soap Writers

I've been watching ATWT for maybe 2 years now and every time I decide to stop watching something interesting happens. I was on the edge of my seat with the slasher storyline. My main reason for writing is the constant pregnancy drama with one particular family. Let me explain: Jen had a one-night stand with Craig and got pregnant. Paul was getting ready to divorce Emily and she turned up pregnant. Now poor DUMB Will is trying to save his marriage and that home wrecker is pregnant (although I don't believe her). Give me a break that issue has been played out.... Enough already.... This is the new millennium: MEN DO NOT MARRY THEIR KNOCKED UP FLING ANYMORE... Give Jade a life and cut Gwen and Will some slack so they can attempt to have a normal life. Please don't let that pathetic girl be pregnant, especially since Gwen cannot get pregnant herself.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Lea Hernandez

Lea Hernandez is a comic artist that more people should know about. I learned about her during the 'New Blood' series that Elfquest published in the 90s. She did a beautiful two-part story that focused on the character of Moonshade that took place in the early days of the Wolfriders' sojourn at Sorrow's End.

She's done quite a bit since including I found out recently at least an issue of Marvel's 'The Punisher.'

She can be found here:

Unfortunately, she suffered a fire and is in need of money. More details can be found out at her livejournal. I know it will all work out.

More Interesting things I found on the Web

I was curious about this guy. The last thing I saw him in was an episode of the tv series "Silk Stockings."

Ilan Mitchell-Smith:

I fell in love with Tasha Tudor when I saw the documentary that aired on PBS. I was please to see that she is online since the life that she lived in the documentary seemed to indicate that the internet was not something she was into. Admittedly, her children and grandchildren maintain the site, but you can purchase items she and they created, which is cool.

Tasha Tudor:

Monday, September 18, 2006

Robin Scorpio and the AIDS Walk on Octber 15th

It looks like General Hospital is continuing to show that it is serious about supporting AIDS causes. While General Hospital is not the first daytime drama to feature a character with HIV or with AIDS, it is definitely the first one to make HIV/AIDS a regular part of its storyline in a way that brings awareness rather than melodrama.

Dr. Robin Scorpio, GH's poster child for this issue, will be participating in the AIDS Walk taking place on Oct0ber 15th in Los Angeles. She blogs about it at her blog.

It will now scare everyone to know that Robin and her "boyfriend" Dr. Drake (why can't a boulder fall on him?) actually have a team for the walk called "General Hospital, Team Scrubs"and they are accepting money. (Of course actress Kimberly McCullough and the other actors that portray the characters of Team Scrubs are accepting the donations on their behalf.)

Though completely disappointed by the direction that Robin and Patrick's relationship, I am glad that hey, both are doing one good thing this month.

Looking at the page for "Team Scrubs," it looks like "Robin" is raking it in. Her fundraising goal is $1000.00. She has currently raised $2,020.00.

A poor person named Nichole Goluskin has $0.00 so far. I may donate to her instead of Kimberly to give her something. Sadly, I don't know which one she is on the show.

Who Knew?

Who knew that Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, the late matriarch of the oft-mentioned Kennedy clan , had a drink named after her, much less one that contains vodka.

Poor Pat Lawford

Yesterday Patricia Kennedy Lawford died at the age of 82. Like many women of a certain age, sadly it seems that she was defined by the men that she was related to by blood and by marriage rather than her own accomplishments, which warranted the briefest of mentions in the coverage of her death.

Here is her entry in Wikipedia:

Review: The Tale of the Dark Crystal

The Tale of the Dark Crystal by Donna Bass My rating: 4 of 5 stars View all my reviews