Friday, September 1, 2006

When Brands try to be 'Cool'

Jennifer Rice hits it out of the park again at her blog:

Trying to be cool

It should be required reading for all of the Burger Kings, the McDonalds, the Wal-Marts and their ilk.

Friday, August 25, 2006

A lecture on responsibility-Hollywood style

I normally don't read 'People' and my interest in the gossip of today's Hollywood is minimal at best.
I was googling Oprah's opening a school in South Africa for girls when I came across this article in 'People':

Lindsay Lohan Blasted for 'Heavy Partying'

and this one:

Costar Knocks Lindsay Lohan's Lateness

At the end of the day, work is work and if your inexcusable behaviour gets in the way of that, you will find yourself out of work. Even iconic Marilyn Monroe was fired by her studio for excessive lateness, not being prepared and excessive calling out.

James Robinson of Morgan Creek productions was not out of line in his letter which is Work Rules Etiquette 101, neither was actor William H. Macy, who recognizes that talent and money is never an excuse for behaving badly.

We all make mistakes-a few more at 20 than at other ages. I know that Lindsay Lohan will pull it together.

Currently Listening to...

I am currently listening to the NPR show Here and Now, where Alfie Cohn, author of "The Homework Myth" is speaking about the uselessness of homework. I am blogging this on the fly so I encourage hearing the webcast in its entirety at the NPR website. He made the following points:

  • Homework does not teach the skills that students need to succeed.
  • The ideas that students are learning lifelong skills (such as discipline) from doing homework is false.
A lot of his rhetoric seems like it is for testing and not for homework.

I think I will have to list to the broadcast again to obtain a better perspective.

Women are blogging...

I hope more people will take time to read this post at Black about the recent assertion that men shouldn't marry career women.

Tiffany at Black blogged a bit about Rebecca Blood, whose site I visited. Besides writing a good blog, she is also the author of 'the weblog handbook'.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I can't believe that Pluto is not a planet anymore. Then again, this has been a time of the falling of long held beliefs. We know who Deep Throat is. Apparently, now we know who killed JonBenet. Girls and women of color do suffer from anorexia and a movie about gay cowboys can be big box office.

Friday, August 18, 2006

I am....

A) too pleased with myself that I figured out how to change the color of the font in the Quizillas so that they are readable

B) thankful for August 24 and September 16 for that is when the events I am helping to plan take place and end

Thursday, August 17, 2006

More on Robin

Well, I visited Robin's Blog today to see what she has been up to. If I had not been enjoying the trend of the previous entries, I definitely did not enjoy the most recent entry where Dr. Patrick said that he "might be able to love" Robin.

Now, I do realize that these are fictional characters living in a fictional world that I don't think I ever would want to live in. Nevertheless, I hate the fact that she is happy that someone "might be able to love her." (My quotation marks by the way).

I have seen in real life where girls and fully grown women put up with a lot of kibbutzing around just to be worthy of "might be loved." The usual suspects contribute to it-low self esteem, fear that you won't have anyone.

My favorite is the "if I wait long enough for him to:
- grow up or
-become more mature or
-realize that he really does love me or
-see me for who I am and love the person inside or
-get over his own fears
-understand that we are soulmates,
then he will tell me that he loves me in a fantastically romantic setting and then we will get married in a big, fantastically romantic way and be happy forever and ever.

It doesn't even happen that way all the time in the movies. Soaps however are famous for perpetuating the "suffering good girl" who puts up with a bad boy that just doesn't realize how great she is and how living a good life is a good thing and she endures months and years of broken promises, childish games, and abuse (not always physical) because in the end she will be rewarded for her efforts because eventually he will be there for her.

What movie, book, or tv show evers has this storyline outside of soaps? What's more, when have any of those ever reversed gender on it where the male character doing the waiting and 'fixing' ever puts up with this for as long as the female character does? Even Dr. George O'Malley from Grey's Anatomy walked away from two untenable situations with Meredith Grey and the nurse who gave him syphllis a heck of a lot sooner than Meredith Grey did from her Dr. McDreamy.

I was even more disappointed by the comments section of this particular post on Robin's Blog. Most were supporting her waiting until Dr. Patrick was "ready" for adult relationship they should have and they counseled patience and helping him to get there. They were essentially saying that it was all okay.

I did find some rays of hope in the comments section though. This one essentially summed up my feelings about the Robin-Dr. Patrick "romance" and her behaviour in it:

Wow Robin, you sound pathetic. He never said he loved you, so don't get your hopes up for the future. I worry about your self-esteem lately. It took 8 months for Patrick to get to know you and spend time with you. In those 8 months, he has belittled you, called you names, etc. And the best he can do now is that he could love you? I think you deserve a whole lot better. A woman like you deserves respect. Waiting for Patrick to realize what an amazing woman you are will practically take forever, so why not play the field and find someone that will actually love you?

Robin was a character with self esteem and demanding of respect for herself. If this how Robin's life is going to go, I think if I were actress Kimberley McCullough, I would ask for my character to be killed off.

I do also realize that the purpose of the charater's blog is likely for the marketers or the writers of GH. They read responses and bend the story to appeal to the "consumers" rather than be true to anything like character and plot integrity. Master manipulation at its best.

By the way...
Jason may have made some stupid and in some ways understandable choices in his relationship with Robin but he never berated her or played games with her. She always knew where she stood with him and "Stone Face" found it quite easy to tell her that he loved her. I'm just saying, "Memo to the writing staff..."

Review: The Tale of the Dark Crystal

The Tale of the Dark Crystal by Donna Bass My rating: 4 of 5 stars View all my reviews