Wednesday, August 17, 2005

More Epiphanies

As the day wore on, I realized some things:

-I need to love myself more. Period. It is not selfish to love yourself and to put yourself first if you do not hurt anyone else.

-Every Second of Everyday Everyone does exactly what He Wants. I do have choices here and there. I make many of them all the time. The challenge is to make the right ones.

-The character of Stephanie Douglas Forrester on "The Bold and the Beautiful" is a pretty smart lady when she is not controlling everyone's lives.
Over the course of the year, she has echoed the sentiment about loving yourself and not being needy. She also mentioned that you can't make an informed decision without information. She also reminded someone that you are deserving of respect and that there is nothing wrong with demanding it. She is also big on picking yourself up and carrying on with things.

So I imagine that I have to start applying these epiphanies since epiphanies without action are just...

The Next Day

Well, this is the part in the program where I am thankful for what I have. Such things include:
-Health (pretty much)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Being There and Here

There are some days where you exist in a dead zone. Some people refer to it as being numb. The word 'numb' is not quite an accurate description.
I still feel things. I just don't care about anyone else. Well at the moment.

I recall the movie "Being There" which starred Peter Sellers in one of his better films.
As Chance the Gardner, he was definitely the tabula rasa. He was simply happy just gardening and living. People who had so much, what was considered the American Dream, were so miserably. Chance, the unformed block, provided wisdom and comfort.

I wish that I could be that but I am not.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

An Epiphany

According to Avery Brooks is in the IBM commercial, "An epiphany is an awakening to the essential nature of things." Or at least, he said something to that affect.

These days, I don't like epiphanies. I largely don't like them because they mean that whatever paradigm you have been seeing the world through, is suddenly just gone.

For example, someone that you trusted has betrayed you over time. You did not want to see it because since you could not believe that anyone that you could care about or that you expended so much love for could disappoint you so much.

Or, you realize that a situation that you find yourself in is never going to get better unless you let go.

Yes, part of adulthood is dealing with epiphanies.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


This is the story of my life:

Poor Luann. She hoped and got lucky and she wished and planned but it looks like her miracle is not to be.


A few famous people died this week.
-Peter Jennings
-Barbara Bel-Geddes
-Double Duty

Meanwhile Cindy Sheehan is taking her grief public by calling President Bush to task.
MoveOn has a petition. I just said, "do what you think is best."

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Random Observations

-Last night I spent more time waiting for public transportation than should be allowed. From here on in, i will work more on walking, at least from home to the train station.

-Law and Order SVU (I always call it SUV)was all right. I always find it funny how the show teases with implications of a relationship between Benson and Stabler or between Benson and a female peer such as a cop or a prosecutor. The only critique I have for the show is MORE Richard Belzer. There was a reason why his character has been the favorite of the "cross over artists." The fact that they took his character from Homicide: Life on the Street and placed him with SVU says it all. I would also say MORE Ice-T too but they have rectified that somewhat. Also as i understand it, he is coming out with a new album so he has been preoccupied.

-Apparently, Bonnie and Clyde have gone multicultural:

Review: The Tale of the Dark Crystal

The Tale of the Dark Crystal by Donna Bass My rating: 4 of 5 stars View all my reviews