Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It is almost time to engage in a month of daily blogging. I think I wonder about what I would talk about if I run out of things to talk about. I suppose there is always McDonalds...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Oh Robin...

Well, I've been at Robin's blog again and it looks like she wants to have a baby and more importantly she broke up with Dr. Patrick. However GH is still insisting on not putting her and Jason back together again. Then again, these were the people who treated Laura Spencer's character so badly.

Dear Robin is making a list and checking it twice-she wants to find out which guy will put his life force on ice for her. She came up with Spinelli, which is good but a little insane as she is old enough to be his teenage or 20 year old mother.

I normally don't think much of the people who leave comments on her blog since many of them set womanhood back really far. However, I do agree with the ones who are scratching their heads over why the character is not going to a sperm bank if she is wants to have a father who is not involved.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's been a long, long time.

May 2007. That was my last post. I know many of the reasons why I hadn't posted anything-work and other responsibilities have reared their UGLY HEADS. I could use the same excuses for why I have not done any serious writing that was not business communications.

I am hoping that this will change in the coming month.

November is both National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) ( and National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) (

I've participated in the novel writing-this will be my first year blog posting every day. I plan to document my progress on both fronts in this blog and my blog over at the NaBloPoMo site. I almost can't wait to see what I will come up with at the end of a month.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's been a while

Definitely has been a while since I was last here and curious there is nothing to report new under the sun...

Thursday, May 3, 2007

A really good quote

I ran across this in someone's signature and I liked it:

Making changes in life is good.
The hardest thing of this process is not about moving forward, instead it's about not looking backward.

I don't know who said it but I think that it is something to always keep in the back of your mind.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The April Update


I have not posted anything since my birthday.

I have not been idle. In fact, I have been quite busy. So busy in fact that lately I have grumbled about not having the time to do things like post to a blog.

I am currently in the midst of several things:

A) I am a seeking another job.
The job that I am currently working at is not working out. I gave it the "college try" and found the cons far outweighing any pros I could come up with for staying. While you can't run from every situation, you should recognize when something is not working out and that it is time to call it a day. I have been looking for sometime and unfortunately the deadline I set is coming sooner than I'd want it to. There is lots of advice and lots of jobs that if I lived in a different state I could take. I believe that I will find something suitable.

B) Writing.
I met someone in the middle of last year that reminded me why I enjoyed writing. I had essentially turned my back on it. Slowly but surely I have regained my interest and am working on some material. I did participate in National Novel Writing Month, though I did not get as far as I wanted. I was reminded of author David McCullough's observation that "writing requires discipline." My discipline in this area is slowly but surely getting there. I hope to begin collecting my 'ding' letters soon.

C) Relaunching the Weblogger meetup.
I realized that I needed to "pick a direction and go" rather than soliciting and soliciting for feedback as to what the Blogger meetup should be. I hope to relaunch it in June with a focus on writing and blogging. I have also taken the time to educate myself on some of the topics in blogging that I am not as familiar with.

I still volunteer some though there were other things such as chorus that I dropped because I realized that it was time to move on. Unfortunately, I won't be able to go on the two upcoming trips to NOLA offered through Boston Cares. I hope to go in November again.

I still visit interesting and cool blogs and websites and will reinstitute the Monthly regular feature again highlighting those blogs and websites I find interesting and think that you will too very soon.

On an unrelated note, I feel sad for the families that lost someone at the Virginia Tech shootings. There is no explaination for such things. As Wordworth said, "we must find strength in what remains behind."

Review: The Tale of the Dark Crystal

The Tale of the Dark Crystal by Donna Bass My rating: 4 of 5 stars View all my reviews